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De nieuwe pagina over de sterftelast gelinkt met alcoholgebruik is gepubliceerd.


De pagina over hiv is bijgewerkt met gegevens over 2023.


Standardised Procedures for Mortality Analysis (SPMA)
SPMA facilitates the analysis of vital statistics (population, birth and death) and causes of death for Belgium by year. It also provides standardized mortality rates. It functions in an interactive way, using pre-defined procedures accessible through menus.


Belgian Health Interview Survey Interactive Analysis (HISIA)
The HISIA web-based application allows the interactive analysis of the successive Belgian Health Interview Surveys. Pre-defined procedures accessible through menus allow to get the frequency of the indicators by gender, region, age group and educational level.

Health Expectancies

Health Expectancies
The Health Expectancy web-based application allows the interactive analysis of the Health expectancies in Belgium, calculated using the Mortality data (Statbel) and the Health data from the Health Interview Survey (Sciensano). Results can be ventilated by gender and region.


Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (Epistat)
The Epistat web-based application allows the data explorations and visualizations of infectious diseases monitored at Sciensano.